All of the classes have been knee deep in clay dust creating ceramic gifts for the Hursey Carnival and the Murray LaSaine Farmers Market.
So far we have used about 400 Lbs of clay. I have trucked supplies and creations back and forth between the two schools for 3 weeks. We have 2 weeks to go! March Maddness is in full swing! I take home the scraps of clay and reclaim them in water, knead the air out and bring the clay back for more creations later.
Clay is always an excellent confidence builder! You can always start over! The most valuable lesson in life is, if you make a mistake, just change the plan, or begin again. Clay is forgiving and messy is fun!
We have made sets of fully functional bowls.
Primary children are creating garden accents such as magnets
Garden Lanterns to set atop a small candle
This week begins the massive amounts of glazing and firing. No rest for this KILN!!
Flower pots will be filled with plants grown from seedlings by the children at both schools.
We even had 2 bird houses creatively, constructed spontaneously.
Hursey Exploratory starts the glazing process.
The Upper Elementary students
at Murray LaSaine begin the glazing process.
After we get all the creations glazed and fired, we will prepare them for sale at the Hursey Carnival -April 29 and Murray LaSaine Farmers Market- April 22.
Come out and get some amazing hand crafted, fabulously, functional pottery! All proceeds go right back to the students through PTO and PTA.
Final photos of finished artwork to come!