Montessori says...

Montessori says...
“Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create.” ― Maria Montessori

Monday, September 25, 2017

2017-2018 in Full Swing

PEACE-Keon rally's and poses the crew, photo credits- DJ Chriswell

I'm not saying its going to be easy, but I'm saying its going to  be worth it. 

So far, this year.

 Routines, culture, discipline, fundamentals, review, new materials, new environments, new teachers, and new friends. Starting the year off with a 3 day weekend for an eclipse opportunity of a life time to integrate science, and art. Real life experiences inspire so much more interest and comprehension. Amazing!
The special area team at Murray LaSaine has kicked off the year of the LION KING Jr: by kids for kids. This is a pilot idea fueled by the Montessori  philosophy and integrating the arts. Thank goodness for a laid back fearless group of educators that only want to excite the children and show love everyday! They created costumes and portrayed animals in-front of 120 Upper elementary children. It was perfect!
(This project will be documented and recorded for quality assurance:)

Peace day was full of love, energy and sweat!
Thank you to DJ and Keon for showing they can be a great photography team.
Click here to watch the Peace day video

Primary classes just finished making color wheels and mixing colors with Model Magic, I can't even type here or show photos of what fun it is to see the children mix their own colors this way and the Joy it brings.. it's my favorite part of my job.. new discovery, new materials, new ideas.. It's so fun!
Just when I think I've had  hard day or those times I wonder why I do what I do, (we all do it) I take a deep breath, look at the photos, and remember the JOY. 
It's worth it.
PEACE-Keon rally's and poses the crew, photo credits- DJ Chriswell
PEACE- photo credits- DJ Chriswell

PEACE-Bree and her Peace flowers, photo credits- DJ Chriswell

PEACE-Go get That Emme photo, she's the one with the shirt that says Emme:) photo credits-DJ Chriswell

Peace-So much Joy!photo credits- DJ Chriswell

Peace-Peace my friends, Peace

ART-Peaceful art day

ART-you have a big mouth

PEACE-The peaceful parade of love, photo credits-DJ Chriswell

Peace-photo credits- DJ Chriswell

PEACE-Flowers... no way... :) photo credits- DJ Chriswell

PEACE-Rainbow Collages for Self Portrait Poetry(Great art takes time)

LION KING-The family of Geese as portrayed by Savion, Sam and James Caleb -During the Lion King Reveal party

LION KING-It takes a team to build an elephant-During the Lion King reveal party

ECLIPSE-Nyan and his Eclipse

PEACE and ART-Peace with love

ART-Model Magic color mixing with Primary classes and Primary colors:)

Science and Art-Eclipsing

Taylor Loves Art and Science!

Art-and Poetry-Personal collages for Visual Art meets Poetry

Eclipse-It's all in the details

During the Eclipse, Eloise saw a lot:)

Art-Model Magic Color wheels

Eclipse-Moons have craters

Eclipses are full of energy and excitement as well as Peace

Art-I'm ready for my close up

Art-Is my makeup ok?

Eclipse-Everyone remembers a different stage of the Eclipse

Art-Peace out 

Eclipse-Lily and her  concentration

Eclipse- Noah... Ah Noah , his creativity and imagination energy field is so large, it enters the room before he does.. 

Art-If only we had mounds and mounds of Model Magic to play with everyday!

Eclipse-You know there's a man on the moon right?

Eclipse and a smile

Art and Science-Same concept, different personalities, same process, different products

Eclipse- the Colors...

Nuff Said